
Showing posts from May, 2017



From the Verge of Atheism........

Dear Lovely readers out there, please stay back if you are an atheist, because the content here may not be digestible to your conscience..! so now lets begin...the lovely people who wish to read till the end... At times, at least in some stages of our life..we may feel that "There isn't a god, all things formed on their own...simply an entity one fine day can't create this so called the world..." u may feel this at least once in ur life. it's quite natural that u r feeling it in this means that u r still alive..and ur thinking..and ur brain is working indeed...but to add to this,.,I must tell you,lucky are the ones who never felt a doubt about the existence of a supreme power, lucky they are..because they wud be the one who leads a peaceful life... This is all about the journey from the verge of atheism back to the world of beliefs.... u have been taught abt many religions..the lifestyle followed in religions..etc etc... but the real fact is that...