From the Verge of Atheism........
Dear Lovely readers out there, please stay back if you are an atheist, because the content here may not be digestible to your conscience..!
so now lets begin...the lovely people who wish to read till the end...
At times, at least in some stages of our life..we may feel that "There isn't a god, all things formed on their own...simply an entity one fine day can't create this so called the world..." u may feel this at least once in ur life. it's quite natural that u r feeling it in this means that u r still alive..and ur thinking..and ur brain is working indeed...but to add to this,.,I must tell you,lucky are the ones who never felt a doubt about the existence of a supreme power, lucky they are..because they wud be the one who leads a peaceful life...
This is all about the journey from the verge of atheism back to the world of beliefs....
u have been taught abt many religions..the lifestyle followed in religions..etc etc... but the real fact is that none wud have taught you what's the need of following a belief or a religion..what is the use..! none wud have told you this,...and none of the religious preachings has taught u this...on the other hand in ur school, see the way u r been taught in science...
To begin with the most conventional examples,The classical experiments of photosynthesis..u r doing it..u r feeling it..u r experiencing it...and the results are etched in ur at some stage u may feel that..there isn't a supreme power..if its there, science by this time wud have proved the existence of the mighty, because..u think this way for the fact that u r looking for reasons,u r looking for proofs, and ur mind isn't ready to accept anything widout a reason.actually, it isn't anyone's faults..and that is how science fact, reasoning is the base of science..!
I have seen many people in my life, "who has zero connection to the fascinating world of science, asking others that,"aren't u ashamed to attribute anything that happens on the face of the earth to god.."?? I have seen many asked this.and yeah of course,many will point the great scientist of the 21st century,Stephen Hawking sir's observation that there isn't a god who control the universe...! I respect the extraordinary brilliance of Stephen Hawkings,but I also wants to remind that, the beauty of science lies in its ability to correct. once Ptolemy told the world that earth is the centre of solar system..! and then Copernicus corrected, and science does develop only through trial and errors...!! so, the time has enough things to prove..!
I must say science is still in its's true that technology is developing at a fast doesn't mean that science or scientific world understood the mother nature in its full potential.Nature is surprising the scientific world in one way or day if she introduces some new sink holes that were hiding or the other day she surprise us with until then unaware natural disasters.why then, if science developed so much, that they couldn't say us that this kind of calamities does exist in nature??
The answer is so simple.Humans are still unknown of this nature.And the way we mess up with her, we don't even have an idea that how she will react back.she is the one with utmost patience.she knows to take care of his kids.but she even knows to destroy when things are not in the way designed.We, the human race have a kind of arrogance that we are the top of the world, that we can control everything in this world, the resources are meant to serve humans only, in fact, we are the one who distributes resources. I must say, that would be the worst idea any human might have understood. The fact is that for nature, we are just another creature on her face, the most stupid creature she has ever seen.In fact we are the most vulnerable creature.we are messing up everything, we are literally destroying every single patch on the earth, we are saying that earth is heating up, because of anthropogenic activities, that is true.but this is the defensive mechanism of nature, to destroy the messed up creatures of the world.
we used to say "save the earth, reduce global warming", but I must say..we don't want to do anything.Earth, she knows to save herself!!!! that's a fact!!! Even if we don't do anything, she knows to save herself and her kids.
Earth is frying up, it's her defensive mechanism to keep the increasing population under control.its just that if we keep on messing up with her, we will say goodbye to this earth a little earlier than we are supposed to. so we must correct the slogans we make on world environment day to this-"save humanity from the freaking hot hands of the earth" and say not "save the earth", that is a misconception.Because once if we say goodbye, she, the earth, will heal all by's intrinsic, she knows it all.If the scientific discoveries are to be believed, about 200 million years ago, it was the Jurassic period, where dinosaurs lived a royal life on this earth, then came the mass extinction, followed by healing of the it's all there in who are the one's to be careful here? we, the humans, isn't it?
We till 2004 had no idea, how it would be if, a Tsunami hits the earth. it's only that very day December 26, 2004, we saw the never seen before avatar of this nature.where she had been hiding this face before?? does the scientific world had ever an answer??At least for the split of a second, we were all blank, all blank watching the nature unleashes her unimaginable Strength on the face of the earth. we were just a doll in her hands!! no warnings, nothing worked, and she took away with her tens of thousands of life!!
so she, every day is showing us that, there is something mystical, that controls this universe.she is telling us every day that, a human being can't control this world, scientific knowledge alone can't control this world, things may go dirtier, she everyday warns us this.but who is listening??None.
ok, now, this is an example I said from nature, leave that if u cant understands this fact.I can keep it more simple.
look at your body.we all know that we have 4 chambers for our heart. 2 small one,2 large's after 0.16 seconds only your big chamber of the heart gets filled with blood from the small chamber and get contracted.why is this so? it is because, if there is no delay, the big chamber contracts immediately, and the result?? your body won't get sufficient, who decides this precise time? no answer. and what if this precise time has got some changes?? of course, we will be sick.isn't it?its just a simple example.a simple example which shows how precisely the so-called body machine is created.that too with biodegradable components.
we do have the capability of make similar organs artificially, just like the dialysis unit which mock the human has developed to a great extent, still, we are not able to build a biodegradable tiny dialysing unit.why? No answer. but our body has that tiny 150gm worth weighing organ who balances the salt-water level of our body..! our body is such an amazing machine..which works ideally most of the time without our knowledge.and it won't produce a single product unless it is necessary.our body is the biggest example of conservation.
if you don't know, then learn.learn how things works for you.our body has our own border security force who has all the vigilance 24*7 to shoot out the foreign things entering our body. now who made this? no idea.that is why it is important to learn how things work for you.when you learn it, how every bit of your body is designed? and why it is so designed?? when you learn this all..u will be amazed, the craftsmanship behind this beautiful well every single cell of the body is that u r born being normal.A single misplacement of a nitrogen base in your DNA can make you abnormal.a small rise in the level of dopamine in the brain can make you mentally ill!what if your body can't sweat properly when it is hot?? what if the signals from the brain aren't produced for sweating?? u can't keep your body temperature at the required rate.your body will heat up..and then??? you know the result right?? now, who designed it this way, how signals come from their own,?we still don't know.but indeed there is something beyond our control, isn't it?
of course, i appreciate and salute the entire scientific world who discover it.but my first thoughts and appreciation would be going to t hat great architect who designed this ideal Carnot engine of life.try 100 years, this humanity can't make such a perfect body!!
Now why I said all these things? I when started learning science had a similar notion which I said in the beginning of this article.that science can prove anything and everything, that y should we attribute things happening on the world to god? I used to ask the similar question.but then as days passed, as I continue learning, my questions just increased, but science couldn't provide me with the answers.and then I began to understand the real meaning of the childhood religious studies.religion taught you to believe in a rather simple way, without this questions and explanations.religion taught you, that there is some supreme entity which controls everything.but never explained this way.they just said..there is something mystical.why it is mystical? how it is mystical? they never told.
but u see, why u have given brains? it's just to think.isn't it. u r given several clues in this shud use the cues to understand the inner meanings, one should use the brain to understand the cues the lord /the power /the nature left for us. a single leaf can teach you many things.its just that one has to pay attention, one has to shed off the arrogance and one should have that open-mindedness to accept the things.
My professor used to tell us that, in order to keep your move in this world,u need to have faith in something.for some it will be their self-confidence, for some, it will be god.something is a must. I found this idea attractive. but then I was on the verge of atheism.but then the knowledge I gained, helped me walk back to theism and the world of beliefs..Because, I by then understood that nothing in this world can be controlled by us.There is way more than we see..there are many more mysteries left.and when you understand this, you will be much humbled that u will accept the fact that we are just the toys of nature, who has our key!!!
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