The Water Bottle- Part 4

 Everyone was equally shocked. This time it wasn't murmuring. The voice was huge enough to hear. 

Rohaan had no change of behavior. He , asked the person next to him , to excuse him.. 

What followed next was unpredictable. Every single person in that row stood up and stepped out from that row to the walkway , so that he can have a smooth entry to the stage.!!! 

Rohaan just gave a meaningful smile for this gesture. Mr. Roy at the stage didn't understand the meaning of this. But obviously for the people gathered there , it was clear. Rohaan took his laptop bag and his 2 water bottles along with him as he was walking to the podium. The entire hall stood up and gave  huge welcoming claps. He just walked calmly with that smile intact. He reached the stage, kept his laptop bag near the podium and the water bottles on the podium , shake hands with Mr.Roy and the other chief guests on the stage and proceed to the mic. Mr. Roy stepped down from the stage and took the seat in the front row itself.  Mr. Roy never asked Rohaan , what to speak in the meet. it was left to his choice actually. So Mr. Roy was equally curious.

and he began..

Good Morning All the dearest people gathered here.. He said with a wide smile

At this moment people took their scripts to take notes on whatever he gonna say.

He laughed at that moment

He continued...

I would request all of you to fold your books and keep your pen down. I am not going to speak about academics. I came thinking I would do so. But decided against it now.

people then fold it down and straighten up themselves to listen to him keenly.

"In a couple of moments , the things I would ask you to do may make you all uncomfortable. But I believe you all would excuse me for that." He smiled.

If you all could please stand up from your chairs...

Then people began to stand up. Even the people on the stage. So he asked the people on the stage to sit down and continued to the audience. I believe you won't mess up like morning. 

Hearing this people calmed down. He asked the people from the left and right  row of both sides to pick up their chairs and asked them to create rows at the back.

Everyone understood where this is heading to. As people where creating noises , he directed them how to do it!!!! 

He asked them to began from the back. one by one. the last person in the left and right row near the middle walk way, and to the left and right end of the hall. They took the chairs and made the row at the back. and then the person next to that and so n so.

it finished within 5 minutes. 

and the result was that, there was a much wider middle walkway and new walkways at the left and right end. people settled.

Rohaan began. 

I just wanted this hall to be more accessible to the people. This appears good now. Anybody can get to a chair without hesitation. He smiled

People did felt uncomfortable. Because this made them remember how they behaved when this so called chief guest arrived. 

Rohaan continued.

When I arrived here , I was observing the people in general. I used to do this wherever I go. people aren't  different anywhere . we are all the same. From poor to rich, from educated to uneducated. I had seen more empathy and love in the eyes of the people who are poor. They are rich in all those humane qualities. The rest is pretense only most of the time. I had seen disgusting eyes followed me in this hall when I entered and the mess I created despite the problem wasn't with me, but was with the arrangement in general. This isn't a complaint. These are all things we are suppose to reflect. An academic meet is considered the most high , elite and prestigious meet always where people holding huge degrees and too much of qualifications beyond their names, attend the meet. But whatever degrees we hold, how much we boast regarding research achievement, as  men we are a failure. We don't know the basic knowledge of arranging a hall. we are more worried of pretending , we are busy impressing people. We are busy worrying about our spoiled dresses. where are we heading?? Anybody can do what we are doing now.. But think about the intention. Because we are rewarded based on intentions. Everyone here knows the purpose of this meeting. For the college , to boast about the number of international conferences held, for the scholars -looking for a fresh opportunity and once they join , the enthusiasm is long gone. I saw you all wanted to take notes. What notes are we actually taking? A note which you will never come back and read.! Then why are we pretending this much? 

How good it would be to see that the grown up people keeping basic manners! To know to arrange things in a logical way. To behave with a lot of empathy?

Education is suppose to bring light and to moist our hearts. But what have we become?? our hearts hardened, eyes lack empathy and the tongue spills poison. what surprised me even more is the unhealthy competition in research world. The envy people hold for other regarding the works. seriously?? Envy ?? Envy for distributing knowledge! That's how low we have become. We have knowledge, just knowledge.. but we lack wisdom.

I saw the eyes of hatred towards me , for spilling water on their dresses. I heard cursing words while I was walking towards the left end seat. but the same behavior was totally reversed, when they came to know that I am Rohaan. Do I need to explain anything else? we are behind names. we are behind fame. Respect is given to influencers only. why? because we are living to impress people. There is that urge to impress influencers, so that we may benefit from it. Yes , the BENEFIT only. That is what we are all cared about. Not this understanding that every single human being deserves fair treatment, love and respect. That is not something you should give based on the position people hold. I feel ashamed to say this to an elite meeting. These things shouldn't be said to a meet like this. These are all basics one gain through education. My friend Roy mentioned that this is my second conference. True it is. I deliberately avoid meets. Because I am tired of pretense. People who genuinely wanted to connect with me to know my works are connecting me through mail. That's all we need actually! But since I couldn't reject his invitation I decided to attend. I am happy to know that the felicitators include educational policy makers too. Add manners as a course in curriculum. Teach about empathy. Because education these days teach nothing about all these .

People where deeply disturbed to hear the things they never wanted to hear. Even if they know, this was all truth.

Rohaan continued..

I know , how much you all are disturbed about what I say. but truth is never sweet. He smiled.

He then took the water bottle in hand. it was full.

He said.. This water bottle now is worthy. because it hold pure water. This is palatable, this is good.This can be served to quench others thirst too.

he then added some red ink to that

He continued..

I just added this red ink.there was no color change.. 

He continued.. This water has a minor pollution in it.. which isn't recognizble now. But obviously that purity is disturbed. Isn't it? 

And he slowly added more n more ink to that to become fully red.

And then he asked the audience- is this now palatable?? Can this be used to quench the thirst?? No right?

The audience agreed..

He continued

Now compare this water bottle to our body and the water to your soul.

Now imagine ,Every time you spill venom through your tongue or you curse someone, the listeners soul and the speakers soul is adding these red colors to his soul. it wont be noticeable enough in the beginning. The soul is getting wounded slowly. it will increase eventually so that , they no longer would be able to hold it all. They themselves are wounded so that they can't be a medication to the person next to them. both of them are ruined. Their inside is all filth. see what we are doing to people?! One is wounded due to the filth spilled by other.. and the other one filled oneself with so much hatred inside.

and next second he spilled the entire water from the bottle to the floor.

and he asked. now does this hold any value,does this bottle hold any value??

This is just an empty bottle. Worthless. The water that gave its value is gone. Just like this the soul leaves our body making our body that we once so much cared for , to a worthless mass! The body we covered with expensive clothes, the body we looked after with so much care.. would be lying there as a worthless mass.. So what I want to say is feed your soul. not the body.. feed your soul with good..Speak good, think good.. feed not with those red colors.. watch your words and actions. If you care for your soul, life will come your way..!

I never thought I would be giving this kind of lecture today. But if the elite class can't understand the basics of life, then who can ever!!! That is all I have to say. 

Thank you so much for tolerating my words. If at all I added some red colors to your souls, I am extremely sorry for that. Kindly forgive me. My intention wasn't that. Sorry.

Once again thank you so much..

He stepped down from the podium leaving that empty water bottle and spilled water there and shook hands with Mr. Roy and walked away from the hall  with a smile.

And the entire hall stood up.. Numb!

A saint was gone ..and people fell silent diving into their own thoughts!!!!
